依據院協綜字第1080200660號函辦理 國際醫院聯盟2020年第44屆世界醫院大會將於11月3~5日於西班牙巴塞隆納Palau de Congressos de Catalunya舉行,由加泰隆尼亞醫院協會(Unió Catalana d`Hospitals, La Unió)主辦,主題為“People on board, transforming healthcare`。大會將邀請多位重量級的國際政府/非政府組織代表人發表演說,並有多場專題演講、分場論壇、口頭發表及海報展示、專案獎項評選及頒獎、醫院參訪活動等,此為一年一度的國際性醫院大會暨學術研討活動,邀請全國醫院有興趣者踴躍參加! ※ 公開徵求口頭或海報論文摘要,徵求領域及次主題如下:【投稿截止日為2020年1月31日】 - Digital And Technology Driven Transformations
- Artificial Intelligence for smart health and care.
- Big accurate data: how it helps us.
- How is digital health transforming the way health systems are run and healthcare is delivered.
- Glocalization: new actors, new rules, global healthcare invaders in the local healthcare set.
- Towards An Integrated Concept of Health And Care Services Model: Value Driven Tranformations
- Enabling the flexibility of organizations to adapt quickly to changes, addressing accelerated innovation adoption.
- Key results that really matter: patients outcomes as the driver for better healthcare.
- Health and care sustainability supported by applied research and innovation adoption.
- Global Healthcare, global mobility, global access: towards a liquid borderless healthcare system.
- People At The Center of Healthcare System Transformations
- How to put citizens at the center of health and care.
- Humanistic centered care.
- Professionals leading transformations: the strength of professionals to promote transformation.
- From health management to ethical leadership.
相關活動訊息以大會主辦單位公告為準~ ※ 2020世界醫院大會官網: https://worldhospitalcongress.org/ ※ 大會徵稿網頁(Call for Abstracts):http://bit.ly/WHC-ab 本會洽詢窗口:劉思妤專員 02-2808-3300分機29 |